Monday 29 August 2016

Medical Writing Training Solutions, Regulatory Medical Writing Training

Importance of Medical Writing Training
Medical writing had emerged as a profession in the healthcare domain several decades ago, yet it seems to lure many professionals as well as freshers even today. It demands a writer to have a good command over English and certain other skill sets which form the base of manuscript-writing. Turacoz Skill Development Program (TSDP) is an initiative to provide online learning of the basic and advanced skills of medical writing. Both the publication and regulatory medical writing have their own specific rules and a medical writer needs to put relevant information while remaining confined to the framework, specific to the document-type.

Our Services in Medical Writing
Turacoz Healthcare Solutions offers one-stop solution for various publication works and regulatory documentsfor healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical industries.Ourteamholds expertise in the documentation ofclinical study reports, common technical documents (CTD), product monographs, newsletters, education materials and e-learning modules. We are also experienced in preparing original research articles, reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, book chapters, editorials, poster presentations, conference abstracts, case series, case reports, and letters to the editor. Our experience in medical writing and the knowledge you gain with TSDP will give you the foundation and confidence you need to work as a medical writer.

Medical Writing Training Solutions at TSDP
With proper training one can learn the basic rules and gain expertise in medical writing. Turacoz Skill Development Program (TSDP) aims to inspire the medical writers who wish to take medical communication to new heights with their efficiency and flair for writing.With TSDP, learn the key facts of medical writing and improve on the skills of medical writing.You'll also learn how to keep your writing free of medical jargon and common grammatical errors, while ensuring the scientific integrity of your work. Upon completion of the program, participants will know the fundamentals of effective medical writing.